Bottlenose dolphins are extremely social and often inquisitive animals. They are frequently seen leaping, lobtailing, bowriding and playing with fish, seaweed or other objects. They are the most recognised and well-known of the dolphin species. Unfortunately they are often kept in captivity where they do not belong. Wild and free is how they should be!
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Bottlenose dolphins
Sunday, 5 February 2023
Land birds in the Azores
On days off from the ocean I love searching for land birds to practice my photography skills. I find it much trickier than photographing whales and dolphins, but well very rewarding when I manage to get one in full frame, good light and in focus.
Saturday, 4 February 2023
Some lucky whale and dolphin encounters
The first months of 2018 brought me encounters with some species that most don't get to enjoy often, or even at all in their lifetime. I was lucky to be a whale and dolphin watching guide, so being on the water on a daily basis gave me the opportunity to encounter some rare species, as well as the more common ones. The first month of the year started well, with beaked whales, humpback whale and fin whales (as well as three resident dolphin species and sperm whales). From there the fun continued throughout the last complete year of whale watching I had in the Azores. Below are just a few photos from the first months of 2018:
Friday, 3 February 2023
A year of whale watching
An entire year of whale watching in the Azores will reward you with a huge number of sightings and a wide variety of different species. Every year is different, every day is different and every encounter is different. There are often surprises and each year will give you different highlights to look back on. For example in 2017, Bryde's whales made an appearance after a 4-year absence - one of them with a calf! The water may have been warmer or more productive than usual, as Atlantic spotted dolphins stayed longer than usual (right through to mid-December) and in large groups with calves. Cory's shearwaters also stayed longer than usual, as did sei whales that stuck around into December when they are usually seen from Spring to early Summer. I encountered 17 whale and dolphin species in 2017