Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Sperm whales giving birth

This was an encounter of a lifetime and I photographed and filmed the magical moment. There aren't many documented cases of people seeing sperm whales giving birth, but I witnessed it and recorded two births in succession. The lucky encounter started with a gathering of about 30 whales in a tight group, and about 20 more whales that I could count. The tight group started getting very active, with thrashing tails, fast and loud breaths being exhaled and a lot of rolling around and physical contact. After at least 20 minutes of this activity there was blood in the water. The blood appeared several times as the whales increased their activity. Then between all the blood and confusion a newborn sperm whale emerged. The group's activity calmed down after the appearance of this recently born whale. However, after the whales resumed active behaviours with the newborn right in the middle. When I saw more blood appear I was afraid the newborn had been crushed between the adults. But to my surprise another calf was seen among the adults. Two sperm whales born in a row, I felt like the luckiest marine biologist on the planet!

Sperm whale heads breaking the surface as they group together

Tail thrashing and blood loss as the birth is taking place

Lots of tail action as part of the birth process

Blood in the water - a sperm whale has been born

Can you spot the baby whale's tail at the surface between the adults?

Open jaws - sperm whales have teeth only in their lower jaw

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